减轻紧急情况的压力. 利用下面的资源制定一个保护你所爱的人的计划, 还有你的随身物品, 在暴风雨和恶劣天气期间.
澳门线上真人博彩官网准备好迎接风暴! 坦帕电 is prepared to deliver reliable energy through the worst Mother Nature offers 365 days a year. 澳门线上真人博彩官网的 风暴防护计划 invests $150 million per year to strengthen our system by burying targeted overhead lines, 修剪树木, and hardening equipment like poles and substations to help minimize outages and lower restoration time and reduce costs when outages occur. Each of our teams has emergency response plans and performs mock drills throughout the year to ensure safe and reliable energy and the fastest restoration possible when storms hit our area.
下载澳门线上真人博彩官网的 飓风小册子 做好准备.
不 在室内操作手提发电机, 近交流管道, 或者在封闭的区域, 不要把它们连接到家里的电路上. 千万不要弄湿你的便携式发电机——需要一个干燥的室外空间.
警告: 安全使用便携式发电机. 不 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路上. 将电器直接插入发电机. 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路可能会导致电力流向外部线路, 对修复人员构成威胁. 也, portable generators must NOT be taken into a residence or any enclosed space w在这里 deadly carbon monoxide gases could build up. (注意: 这不能在封闭的车库里进行.)
现在就做好准备,这样你就能在关键时刻做好准备. Authorities may issue evacuation or shelter notices 48-72 hours before possible storm impact. 访问 为飓风季节做准备 获取最新的应急准备信息.
Store at least one gallon of water per person per day for seven days for drinking and sanitation.
Turn refrigerators and freezers to their coldest settings; consider making blocks of ice and storing them in coolers; sanitize the bathtub and fill it with water.
如果呆在家里, turn off and unplug non-essential electrical equipment and small appliances to protect them from surges.
If evacuating, or if flooding is imminent, turn the electricity off while your 首页 is still dry. 每次断开一个断路器,然后关闭主断路器.
在暴风雨或疏散期间,你可以开着天然气. 虽然你可以关闭燃气设备的供应值, 只有有资质的人员才能操作主阀. 引航灯问题应由持牌水管工或电器技术员解决.
不 在室内操作手提发电机, 近交流管道, 或者在封闭的区域, 不要把它们连接到家里的电路上. 千万不要弄湿你的便携式发电机——需要一个干燥的室外空间.
警告: 安全使用便携式发电机. 不 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路上. 将电器直接插入发电机. 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路可能会导致电力流向外部线路, 对修复人员构成威胁. 也, portable generators must NOT be taken into a residence or any enclosed space w在这里 deadly carbon monoxide gases could build up. (注意: 这不能在封闭的车库里进行.)
在暴风雨中, 坦帕电’s Emergency Operations Center works around the clock with key personnel in place to monitor the weather and assess the impact on our facilities. 如果你在风暴期间遇到停电,而且这样做是安全的, 报告.
远离 洪水和风暴潮. 它们可以隐藏通电的电线和其他危险. 等到水退去再出去. 如果上涨的水威胁到你的家, 或者如果你撤离, 如果进水,请关掉总开关的电源.
在暴风雨中不要操作便携式发电机. 便携式发电机只能在室外使用. 在雨中运行没有遮盖的便携式发电机有触电的危险.
水和电不能混合! 不 touch wet electrical equipment such as transformers, circuit breaks, fuses, power lines, wiring, etc., 或用湿手使用或触摸湿电器, 在水中或水边, 或者站在潮湿的地面上.
在暴风雨或疏散期间,你可以开着天然气. 虽然你可以关闭燃气设备的供应值, 只有有资质的人员才能操作主阀. 引航灯问题应由持牌水管工或电器技术员解决.
If your EV has been submerged in water, do NOT attempt to drive it or connect it to charging! 检查 the manufacturer's guidelines to make sure it is safe to charge your EV in wet conditions.
如果你的车辆被淹没在水里,这可能是一个安全隐患. 不要将车辆存放在室内或靠近其他车辆. 请授权维修技术员检查.
等安全了就走, 澳门线上真人博彩官网孜孜不倦地恢复电力供应,首先恢复基本的和挽救生命的服务, 然后给尽可能多的顾客, 越快越好. 了解更多关于 电力恢复 对澳门线上真人博彩官网的社区有效和公平.
远离 洪水和风暴潮. 它们可以隐藏通电的电线和其他危险. 等到水退去再出去. 如果上涨的水威胁到你的家, 或者如果你撤离, 如果进水,请关掉总开关的电源.
在暴风雨或疏散期间,你可以开着天然气. 虽然你可以关闭燃气设备的供应值, 只有有资质的人员才能操作主阀. 引航灯问题应由持牌水管工或电器技术员解决.
不 在室内操作手提发电机, 近交流管道, 或者在封闭的区域, 不要把它们连接到家里的电路上. 千万不要弄湿你的便携式发电机——需要一个干燥的室外空间.
警告: 安全使用便携式发电机. 不 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路上. 将电器直接插入发电机. 将便携式发电机连接到家庭电路可能会导致电力流向外部线路, 对修复人员构成威胁. 也, portable generators must NOT be taken into a residence or any enclosed space w在这里 deadly carbon monoxide gases could build up. (注意: 这不能在封闭的车库里进行.)
A. 如果您没有电,请澳门网上真人赌博官网或查看澳门线上真人博彩官网的 停机地图.
报告中断有三种方法:发送短信到 27079打电话给澳门线上真人博彩官网 877-588-1010, or 在线报告.
A. Even if your neighborhood is served by underground lines because the electrical lines that feed your neighborhood, 包括主配电线路和输电线路, 在地面上,你是否仍然可能在暴风雨中遇到停电.
A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网的风暴保护计划每年投资1.5亿美元用于提高可靠性, 反过来,在未来的风暴中减少恢复时间和成本. 澳门线上真人博彩官网的许多努力, like our goal of converting 75-100 miles of targeted overhead lines to underground annually, are focused on protecting lines from contact with things like fallen trees that can cause lengthy outages. 除了地下目标架空线路, 澳门线上真人博彩官网正在用钢筋和混凝土代替木头来加固电线, 使变电站等关键设备更具弹性, 并增加澳门线上真人博彩官网的树木修剪时间表,以保护线路. 超过6,000英里的架空线路, 强化澳门线上真人博彩官网的系统是一项大工程,需要时间, 但澳门线上真人博彩官网承诺为您提供安全, 负担得起的, 可靠的电力服务,并在提高可靠性方面进行投资. 了解更多 在这里.
A. 澳门线上真人博彩官网恢复卫生和安全设施的电力供应, 包括医院, 消防局和警察局, 主要是水, 废水, 通讯设施. 然后重建提供必需品的地方,比如杂货店. The next priority is restoring the greatest number of residential customers in the shortest amount of time. 要了解更多澳门网上真人赌博官网的流程,请访问 电力恢复.
A. Storms can cause extensive destruction and multiple repairs may be needed on a particular line. If portions of the line are repaired, some customers may receive power while others may not. 有时,即使是同一街区的顾客也会有不同的服务线路. 如果你和你的邻居在同一条服务线上, 你也可能损坏了你的电表,中断了你家的电力服务. 风暴对电力系统造成的破坏也可能是零星的.
A. 暴风雨过后, 当风速持续低于每小时40英里时, our crews must physically inspect and determine how much replacement equipment is needed and how many labor hours are required to make repairs. 因为这是一个手工过程, it’s extremely difficult to provide detailed estimated restoration times (ETRs) and other information. 请放心,我不会忘记你的.
A. 故障排除员和线路工人是熟练的技术人员. Each utility has the appropriate number of these people to handle the normal operations and repairs of the company's service area. 当重大天气事件影响一个地区时, the utilities across the country share people in order to restore power to as many customers as quickly and safely as possible.
A. 如果你没有权力,你不会被指控.
A. 如果你遇到倒下的电线, 总是假设它是有能量的, 移动到一个安全的距离(至少30英尺),并立即拨打911, 然后是澳门网上真人赌博官网,电话877-588-1010. 切勿驾车越过掉落的电线或触摸电线, 包括任何碰线的人或物. 这包括围栏或其他可能掉落的物体. 结果可能是致命的. 警告其他人远离.
A. 不行,开车越过电线是非常危险的. 开车越过掉落的电线可能会导致电线杆或其他设备倒塌. 如果你在一辆与倒下的电线接触的汽车里, 呆在你的车里,等待公用事业公司安全断电.
A. 臭鸡蛋的气味是天然气管道可能受损的信号. 立即转移到安全地带,拨打911,然后拨打人民天然气 877-832-6747.
A. 臭鸡蛋的气味是天然气管道可能受损的信号. 如果闻到煤气味,立即转移到安全的地方,拨打911,然后拨打人民燃气电话 877-832-6747.
A. Always avoid driving or walking through flood waters – they may be energized with electrical current and create hazardous conditions.
A. No. 如果你因洪水而被迫撤离家园, 你应该在断路器面板或保险丝盒处关闭电源. Always ensure your hands are dry before touching a circuit breaker and you are not standing on a wet or damp surface. 洪水期间和之后, your 首页 and the surrounding area may be highly dangerous due to mud deposits and debris that can still conduct electricity.
A. 如果你的家或公司被洪水淹没, we cannot reconnect power until the electrical system has been inspected by a licensed electrician. 一旦有执照的电工进行了适当的修理, he or she will need to obtain verification from your local building inspection authority before power can be restored.
访问 these helpful sites for additional information on severe weather and hurricane preparation, 恢复和紧急信息.
If you or a loved one have special needs and require help locating a shelter or transportation, 主要是在与风暴有关的紧急情况下, now is the time to contact your county’s emergency management agency to arrange 寻求帮助.
A statewide registry provides emergency management agencies and first responders with valuable information about your special needs and to prepare and respond to disasters and other emergencies. 你的所有信息都是保密的. 访问 FloridaDisaster.org 了解更多信息或联系您所在地区的特殊需求登记处.